This image was done in mind to be a book cover for an imaginary book called “The Mountain”. It was done with colored pencils and markers on paper. The background is done digitally to keep it consistent. The idea for the story is that a woman is rising up in her life but falling alot like climbing a mountain. In the end she achieves her goals but still retaining her identity. She has a strong imagination and it carries her through her weaker efforts.
A New Visual Language
Taking some inspiration from stationary I own from the 1970’s which reduces nature to shapes and patterns, I’ve started experimenting with a new way of illustrating. I think this will eventually evolve into something more substantial but for now I’m just playing with the shapes and landscapes. These images were all done with colored pencils.
The Meloncholy Wisdom of Balloons

This year has been very difficult for me and my family. We had a tragic death occur. It brought up a lot of my own issues with child safety and how I've dealt with it in the past. The imagery that's come to mind is of hot air balloons. There's danger in them but also beauty. The unpredictability of trusting a device that floats on the wind is intriguing. When I was a child I would lay down in the driveway and stare up at the sky. I was terrified of being pulled up into the clouds but couldn't pull my eyes away from the vastness. The colored images are done in colored pencils.

Horns for Motley Crüe
Seraphim: a short film by Kip Kubin
My Studio Tumbleth Over
The Grandeur of the Forest Floor: Making a tree stump
Oldies But Goodies: Venus Hum
Search for the Sugar Puff Hollow
Introductions: Search for the Sugar Puff Hollow
My Cat's Life
Sneaky Peeky
Teaching the Teachers
Honestly I didn't know much about Tichenor before being invited to teach this workshop so I quickly went to work researching his life and his puppets. Morgan Matens with Wishing Chair Productions, who was teaching a workshop on making Tichenor style houses at the same workshop, graciously agreed to give me a peek at the puppets that are housed at the library. Below are some of the photos I took while there. I love the way they are stored. The placement of puppets from one show next to those from another makes me think of what might go on when no one is around.

This owl is what the workshop puppet was based on. I created some patterns based on a hand puppet version. It was refreshing to see what everyone created. I work in a professional environment where all of the features of puppets and the methods are based on directions and measurements and we're very strict with those directions. With this workshop I was able to give everyone the freedom to create puppets however they wanted. The results were fantastic. It was such a great experience. Special thanks to Andrea Steele at The Frist and Karen Kwarciak at Cheekwood for this great opportunity.

An Inheritance of Imagination and a Beautiful Heart
Moments With Mushrooms
The photo below is half of the mushrooms. The photo was taken with my ipad in low light so it's bit grainy.