I recently found this book at an antique store. It was published in 1897. It is illustrated by Charles Robinson. The illustrations are beautiful. I love that there are small little illustrations in corners of blank pages where you would never see them in a modern book. None of the pages really line up either.
Church Pew Art Project
Between 1999 - 2003 I collected drawings I found left behind in church pews after worship services were completed. These originate from 5 different places of worship and at least 2 different religions. Most of the drawings were made by children. Some are notes from parents to their kids. They run the gamut from amazingly inspiring to surprisingly hateful. As I found each piece I glued them into an old hymnal I found. I did not purposefully place them. I simply glued them in the order I found them onto each consecutive hymnal page. I did cut a few images out because they were on paper that was too big for the book. Please keep in mind I merely collected and there is no intended message except for the message you, personally, take away from it. I hope you enjoy it. Here are a selection of images.