A One Night Only Exhibit

On Saturday, November 5th some dear friends, Solomon Behnke and Paul Fly, are having a one night only exhibit of their artwork.  The show will take place at West Light Studios in Downtown Nashville and will be part of the monthly art crawl route in Nashville, Tennessee.  The exhibit will start at 6:30 PM and run until 10 PM.  Westlight studios is across from The Standard Restaurant on 162 Rosa Parks Blvd.

Paul Fly creates sculptures that seem born from fairytales yet so realistic it might disturb the viewer.  Scenes seem to flicker before one’s eyes like one is looking through a spyglass onto an ancient story reminiscent of childhood.  He blends humor with a dark esthetic to create images and sculptures that flow playfully through the mind. http://www.paulfly.com/

The fluid work of Solomon Behnke encourages one to reflect on one’s own mortality.
He explores the themes of infinity and life through landscapes of stone and texture.   Many of Behnke’s pieces inspire the viewer to search carefully for images that may emerge from the many winding lines he evokes from his imagination.  http://www.solomonbehnke.com/